Thursday, April 13, 2023


1911 Solvay conference 

 [Our research] has nothing to do directly with defending our country except to help make it worth defending
- Robert Wilson

 Worth Defending

Science posts by me 



  1. One thing I've always noticed about this photo is how bored Einstein looks :)

  2. If ever there comes a forced march, past the crumbled ruins of Athena Parthenos, back to the caves of ignorance, we should hold this picture high as we shamble along.

  3. Glad to see you still alive and kicking. ;-)

    Have something against adding some noise to you blog?

    I swear not mentioning DiBi. ;-P

  4. \\I would be very interested if there's an update or video game in the works - I have experience as a game designer/programmer/player, especially in resource management and civ genres, going all the way back to Hammurabi in BASIC.

    Well... there is one more topic to discuss, possibly.

    As I quite inamoured with Civ... Civilization by Sid Meier, I mean. ;-P

    And have my own ideas of how to improve it...

    Up to.

    As Meier himself "Megalomania? Oh, yes!". ;-)

    1. Heh. A crossover from another blog. IMHO the series peaked with Civ5, I'm hoping that Civ7 will get it back on track. Resource management games did so much for my stroke recovery that I feel sad they're only used for entertainment. Games in general are a powerful path to acquiring, sharing, and augmenting knowledge/intelligence. The trick is to embrace youthful open-mindedness while remaining analytical.
      “Thoroughly conscious ignorance is the prelude to every real advance in science.” - James Clerk Maxwell

    2. Not Civ3?
      Well. Alpha Centauri was last true attempt to rejuvenate that title. As for me.

      Idea was to make a BIG WORLD... but now it reduced to mere sandbox... :-((((

      Well. For me, it more like simulator of history. So Civ... and some other, most probably not known to you... well, for me too. That was publication in some scientific literature -- about simulation games played by historians. That invigorated my mind. So I tried to find likeminded people even. To make such project.

      I even come to idea -- how to make it interesting as Massive-Multiplayer.

      Because, you know, there is numerous attempt, And Civ itself have had play by net and hotseat modes very early too.

      But... mere regime of playing game -- not suiting for many-many people to participate...

    3. I actually collect older civ versions (they're dirt cheap on Steam), though I haven't played them. I did look at the public domain project called Freeciv and found it quite interesting, though not as smooth as the commercial version. Those people are serious civ developers - you might talk to them.

      My own interest is for rehab and therapy, mostly in a hospital environment. There, MMO games are not really possible due to privacy and physical/mental/age considerations. Instead, I'm interested in improving the AI players to allow social-like play for such patients.

    4. Well... you know what modern "AI" needs... to demonstrate anything like that "improving the AI players to allow social-like play for such patients."

      Collect some data from living players.

      Well, you know what is the problem with game AIs??? It's a problem that rules of game ALWAYS tuned to make it possible for dumb game AIs to play...

      Some games even became broken that way. As game programmers have limited time to improve it -- they even deliberately breaking it. For the sake of shipping in time. :-(((((

      And well, most of players are not hardcore ones... for tuning games AI up to their expectations. :-(((((

    5. I agree with these points. I focus less on ChatGPT type 'mimicry' and more on old fashioned 'rules' and 'goals' for the AI. More on the ghost and less on the machine it's in. Rudyard Kipling once said, "Sure it's clever, but is it Art?". It's not art until/unless there's at least some tiny speck of a theory of mind.

      I also know what it's like to row against the tide of current fashion, trend, and commercial imperatives. It's part of what lead to my stroke :)

    6. Well.

      Make a seed.

      Plant it.

      Care and water it.

      Until it'll grow into big tree... and then everyone will be glad to come to frolic under its broad shadow. :-)

      Is there other way, I dunno.

    7. Well... to test rules and goals... massively multiplaying environment is only option too.

      Imagine, if Lenat would be more free, and would release code of Eurisco among that Traveker players... at first.

      And then to other games. In all other spheres.

      There is no better way of achieving things -- then Evolution.

    8. Well.

      There is two things that I would like to see in Civ game. And think it would improve experience of it. GREATLY.

      First. Reconnaissance.
      Well, there is spyes in Civ (dunno about past-Civ3).
      But their use, while adding depth to it. Have little relation to battles. Though that is there it most important.
      And have little knowledge -- is it better anywhere.

      Well, rules of game that based on "AI must be able to use it too"... well, AI dunno how to use spyes in Civ. :-/

      There is that mentioned.Spartans. There is recon squads added... but in very sublime way... as, you know, AI cannot be taught to use em. :-((((((((((((((

    9. Another one.

      Adding a trade. Based on trade routes.

      There are quite excellent economic games, where trade roads not only present -- but are in the center of gameplay.

      Like in Railroad Tycoon 2.

      (BTW, it could be good experience for you too, resource managment, lowely graphics, North America history... TRAINS!)


      To unite it in one game... creation and destruction in one... box. Hard thing to achieve.

      And modern games developers... seems like stopped trying to create something new. Something more complex. Something more exciting.

    10. Yes, these are examples of how GOFAI (rules) would be of more use than modern AI (neural nets). It would be simple to correct such things, but the kids today only want to train huge models using gigawatts of electricity. My own example is the worker in civ(5). When automated, it makes poor choices, including dangerous ocean crossings, wandering into foreign territory, and even straight into barbarian camps!

    11. Well... because it have no common sense. :-)

  5. \\I've posted this before, but it validates Dawkins' "Blind Watchmaker" argument. Here is an old computational demonstration, with work shown, of "evolving a watch". It employs heuristics such as 'try everything', selection, and gradients.

    My own epiphany happened...

    when I tried to make GA (genetic algorithm) of my own.

    And it started working -- I mean showing "correct" result -- even before i HALF completed it. After just a couple of dry-runs.


    I investigated, and found that it "used" error in my previous code. :-))))))))

    1. So. That way.

      It successfully proved to me.

      That it not even need any intention and intelligence.

      It even do not need some special environment.circumstances.

      Accidental complexity... is all around as.

      And that should be obvious in hindsight.... given with that HOW MANY atoms are... in even tiniest speck of dust...

      But... we just UNABLE to think with such numbers.

      Even today... when terabytes and gigahertzs are all around us... we still far-far-away from it.

      From fullfeatured complexity even of simplest microbe.

  6. Hmmm. Will someone explain to DiBi (davif brin) that

    noun [ C ]
    /ˈweɪ.dʒər/ us
    an amount of money that you risk in the hope of winning more, by trying to guess something uncertain, or the agreement that you make to take this risk:

    1. It seems answer is No One... no one have such courage. ;-P



    [Our research] has nothing to do directly with defending our country except to help make it worth defending ...